Somewhere in the world, there is a hotel on an island in the middle of a large river.  This hotel was designed and built in the 1980s, and its labyrinthine corridors and structural design make no sense at all to the modern eye.  And all the while, the deep, dark, swirling waters of the river conceal its secrets.

Unknown to all but its mad designer, this hotel was built as an altar to the Old God that rests under the dark, flowing current.  Whether that altar contains the Old God, or ensures his slumber, or is built to one day call him from his rest, or… has some other nefarious purpose is yet to be discovered.

But it’s a heck of a place for a bunch of fans to throw a convention.

What horrors or humors will happen?  What’s the gaming room like?  What happens at the panels, or in the dealer’s room?  Who shows up at the room parties?  Where the hotel is, and what sort of story happens within it, is entirely up to our group authors—but you can bet that the Elder Gods will make an appearance.

Kickstarter completed! Well done all! Look for the wide release of Cthulhu FhCon in May 2025!